Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Are we there yet?

We're one month into the challenge, and I've hit a slump. And I won't name names, but I know I'm not the only one at the gym who's feeling it. Why did I ever think a 30-day paleo challenge would be difficult? Piece of cake compared to this marathon.

Dietwise, I thought I'd been good. Okay, maybe I'd pushed a little on my corn tortilla allowance. Maybe I treated myself twice in one week to delicious bready goodness. But I didn't think I was that off track until I got a message from Will on my food log with the subject line: "Whoa!" Yikes. You don't want to see that from your coach. Yes, it's been a slog this past week. Meal planning has fallen by the wayside. The kid ate Gordon's fish sticks for dinner on Monday. I had to stop at Starbucks for breakfast. So I need to get myself back on track with the diet, but I haven't been that bad.

In terms of workouts, it's just the opposite. I've worked out a lot this week, hard workouts four days in a row, including some two-a-days. It beat me up. Today, I was totally exhausted. I need to schedule more recovery days and remember that rest is just as important as exercise.

I'm looking forward to month two. Lots of good stuff happening including a CrossFit competition. I've avoided weighing myself or doing any interim measurements, but I'm going to post my new measurements shortly and hopefully, I'll have seen some improvement.

1 comment:

  1. you're doing fine...I just tried to get you before you went too far. Like this says...maybe your a little too liberal, and I think that is what you needed to hear...maybe I over reacted. I think your doing fine.
