Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day 14. Getting my diet in check - after I eat this quesadilla.

Yesterday was kind of a bust. After doing the Olympic Lifting class at 9 a.m., I came home, ate a banana, and then started running around, so I didn't eat a decent meal until more than two hours later. By that time, I was feeling achy and sick, and I'd lost my appetite. The only thing I could get down all day was kettle corn. I swear. Anyway, I chalk it up to being the 13th day of the challenge.

Today, I woke up feeling better and went to train with Will. I'm starting to see how it will help me. But I'm also understanding that it's going to be a slow, gradual and probably painful road to improvement. I was talking with Mark Levy the other night about making gains, and he has a really good perspective on it. Slow, steady progress is the way to go, he says. I've got to believe in it because I'm in a long haul, and I may not even be where I want to be at the end of this Challenge, six months from now. But I have to start somewhere.

Will and I also talked nutrition today. He says I should be eating 25% carbs, 25% protein and 50% fat. The fat percentage sounds really high. When I look at my food logs, I'm more in the range of 45% carbs, 35% protein and 15% fat (it doesn't add up to 100%, I know, leave me alone). And most of my carbs are coming from fruit. I eat a lot of fruit. It's no wonder - fruit is easy, ready to eat and requires no preparation. I can grab a banana or an apple and go. If I have an offsite work meeting, I can stuff a bag of dried apricots in my purse. At this point, I'm not going to freak out about eating fruit but at some point, maybe month 2 or 3, I'll take a look at cutting down.

Meanwhile, in an attempt to boost my fat intake for the day, I ate Mexican for dinner. It was a well-deserved cheat meal.

1 comment:

  1. To be fair Renee...I said --- I eat 25% carb 25% pro, and 50% Fat --- I want everyone to find what works for them. However I don't believe that that high a fat content is bad...I did it before and got RETARDED lean!
