Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 11: What I've learned about my diet.

Over these past two weeks, I've learned a lot about my diet. By cutting out grains (mostly), avoiding processed sugar, and eating more protein, my less desirable nutrition habits have become startlingly clear. Some of the things I've noticed about my diet:

1. I'm addicted to popcorn. Apparently, I eat it almost every night. For the Challenge, I've switched from the chemical-laden, faux-butter microwave popcorn to air popped popcorn - that's an improvement, right?

2. Wheat bothers me. Case in point: Today I ate a sandwich and felt gross afterward. But I don't think I have a problem with gluten. I actually think the problem is soy. I've known I was soy intolerant for about a year now, discovering it after almost a decade of being a vegetarian and not understanding why I always felt so bloated, gassy, and run-down. After I cut out tofu and soy protein bars, I felt much better. But I've still been eating bread, and bread - it turns out - is loaded with soy. In fact, it's almost impossible to find breads and cereals that don't have soy in it. So moving forward, I'll need to remember that bread makes me feel as crappy as soy.

3. I have weird food fantasies, now more than ever. A few of them: Eating a cheeseburger, french fries and a strawberry milkshake. Scarfing down a dozen doughnuts in one sitting by myself. Consuming an entire heart-shaped box of See's chocolates by myself in one sitting (for the record, I tried this once: I got four pieces in and developed a migraine).

It'll be interesting to see what else I discover as the Challenge continues.

Also, I've switched to an online food log that logs my calories, protein intake and other stats so check it out.

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