The good news is that I slept last night. The bad news is that I woke up around 2 am with a migraine, not unusual for this time of the month but a bummer nonetheless. I took 800 mg of Advil (sorry, Will) but still had the headache when I got up around 5:45 am.
Typically, when the migraines come, I go into survival mode. I alternate Advil and Excedrin Migraine every few hours, load myself up with carbs (wonder why I turn to carbs when I'm not feeling right - emotional eating?), and avoid exercise. But in Day 4 of the Challenge, it's way too early to go astray. So I stuck to my plan and had a healthy breakfast - eggs and sweet potato-sausage hash - along with my multivitamin and fish oil. I reduced my caffeine intake and drank lots of water.
By lunch, I was feeling 100% better. Well enough, in fact, to go to CrossFit for Benchmark Thursday. I did Wood in 31:13 - the best time of the night, even beating the men. More importantly, I felt really good through the workout. It was tough, and I was tired, but I really pushed myself. When I dropped the bar, I picked it up. As soon as I stepped down from the box, I was ready for another burpee box jump.
Despite today's crappy start, I now feel fantastic. Looking forward to Day 5.
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